Bulletin from the extraordinary general meeting in Quickbit eu AB (publ)

Quickbit eu AB (publ), reg. no. 559066-2093 (the ”Company”), has held an extraordinary general meeting today, 8 August 2024. At the general meeting, the following resolutions were made. Remuneration to the board of directorsThe extraordinary general meeting resolved, in accordance with nominating committee’s proposal, that remuneration to the board of directors shall be paid with […]


The shareholders of Quickbit eu AB (publ), reg. no. 559066-2093 (the ”Company”), are given notice of the extraordinary general meeting to be held on 8 August 2024 at 17:00 CEST at the Company’s premises on Lästmakargatan 20, 111 44 Stockholm. Right to participate and notice of participation In order to participate in the extraordinary general […]

Quickbit announces change in the Board of Directors

Quickbit’s board members Elena Kontou and Scott Wilson are stepping down, and Quickbit will call for an Extraordinary General Meeting to elect new members. Quickbit’s board members Elena Kontou and Scott Wilson have informed the Company’s board that they intend to resign as board members at their own request. However, Scott and Elena will remain […]

Quickbit summarizes the last quarter and the full year ’23/24 with many new merchants

Today, Quickbit announces that the last quarter and the full year ’23/24 have seen many new and exciting merchants join Quickbit’s payment solutions. Several agreements with small and medium-sized businesses were signed during the spring, and most of them are expected to start at the beginning of the fiscal year ’24/25.   The full year […]

Watch Quickbit’s web presentation of Q3 ’23/24

Today, May 22, 2024, Quickbit held a web presentation of its quarterly report for Q3 ’23/24, which was published on the same day. Daniel Sonesson, CEO, and Daniel Boettge, CFO presented and commented on the report and the business development and answered questions. The web presentation is now available on Quickbit’s website under https://investor.quickbit.com/en/financial-reports/ and […]

Quickbit publishes Q3 interim report ‘23/24

Quickbit reports sales of € 23.4 million during Q3 ‘23/24 to compare with € 8.9 million during the second quarter ’23/24. This growth is due to increased transaction volumes via Quickbit’s new partners and that Quickbit’s inhouse developed products are now starting to contribute to turnover. The gross margin amounted to 5.4 %. For the […]

Quickbit strengthens Group Management with Head of Marketing

Quickbit announces that its management team is being further strengthened. Today, Bas Hagenaars began his role as Head of Marketing at Quickbit and becomes part of the management team. Bas has several years of experience in marketing and holds a Master’s degree from Karlstad University in Service Management Research. Previously, Bas worked with marketing automation […]

Invitation to presentation of Quickbit’s Q3 ‘23/24 interim report

Quickbit will publish its interim report for the period 1 January – 31 March 2024 on Wednesday, 22 May 2024, at 08:00 am CET. On the same day at 11:00 am CET Quickbit will organize a web presentation for investors. Daniel Sonesson, CEO, and Daniel Boettge, CFO, will present and comment on the report and […]

Quickbit announces a financial update

Today, Quickbit announces that net sales in the third quarter are expected to double from the last reported level of 8.9 mEUR, maintaining a gross margin of over 4%. In the most recently reported interim report for the second quarter of ’23/24, Quickbit reported a doubling of net sales from 4.4 mEUR to 8.9 mEUR […]

Quickbit responds to article published in Affärsvärlden

Quickbit announces that the article published this morning by Affärsvärlden about Quickbit and its collaboration partner Paysecure lacks essential information needed to provide a fair picture. This morning, an article by Affärsvärlden revealed information about Quickbit and its collaboration partner Paysecure. Among other things, the article disclosed the absence of licenses for Paysecure. Quickbit and […]